( To CHANGE The World )

:: DREAM like Martin ….
Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. DREAMED that ONE day this PLACE, currently SWELTERiNG with the heat of iNJuSTiCE and OPPRESSiON, would be TRANSFORMED into an OASiS of FREEDOM and JuSTiCE.  he DREAMED that ONE day JuSTiCE will ROLL down like WATER and RiGHTEOuSNESS like a mighty STREAM. he DREAMED that ONE day the world’s PEOPLE would not be JuDGED by the color of their skin, but rather by the CONTENT of their CHARACTER.  he DREAMED that ONE day ALL people would JOiN together in CELEBRATiON at the table of BROTHERHOOD.  he DREAMED that ONE day EVERY valley would be exalted, EVERY hill and EVERY mountain would be made low, the rough PLACES made plain, and the PLACES places made straight - that the GLORY of [Heart] might be REVEALED and ALL would SEE(K) it TOGETHER.  Martin DREAMED with [Heart].

:: iMAGiNE like Lennon ….
John Lennon iMAGiNED a world WiTHOuT countries, and NO religion too - so NOTHiNG to kill or die for.  he iMAGiNED a world FREE of possessions - so NO need for GREED or HuNGER; JuST a BROTHERHOOD of man, sharing ALL the WORLD.  he iMAGiNED ALL the PEOPLE living four TODAY.  he iMAGiNED ALL the PEOPLE living LiFE in PEACE.  he KNEW that he was NOT the ONLY ONE. John Lennon iMAGiNED with [Heart].

:: TEACH like Buddha ….
Buddha TAuGHT that ALL beings TREMBLE before ViOLENCE; that ALL fear DEATH; and ALL love LiFE.  and SO if we CHOOSE to SEE ourselves in OTHERS, then WHOM could we HuRT?  what HARM could we possibly do WHEN we KNOW that THEY are US, and WE are THEM?  he TAuGHT that THOSE who SEE(K) happiness by CHOOSiNG to HuRT those who see(k) HAPPiNESS will NEVER find true HAPPiNESS.  he TAuGHT that our BROTHERS and our SiSTERS are the SAME as US :: they HOPE to be HAPPY.  he TAuGHT that by choosing NOT to HARM one ANOTHER, we could ALL find HAPPiNESS.  Buddha TAuGHT with [Heart].

:: LEAD like Gandhi ….
Mahatama Gandhi LED by EXAMPLE, becoming a direct REFLECTiON of the CHANGE that he WiSHED to SEE in this WORLD.  he lived SiMPLY that OTHERS might simply LiVE and, AS if he MAY die TOMORROW, Gandhi tried to LEARN as though he would live FOREVER.  he ENDuRED humiliation, ignorance and attack uNTiL, eventually, he WON.  he SOuGHT to FiND himself iN the SERViCE of OTHERS.  he ALiGNED himself WiTH the TRuTH of his RELATiVE kinship to [Heart].  he BELiEVED in HuMANiTY with an indomitable WiLL.  Gandhi LED with [Heart].

:: GiVE like Teresa ….
Mother Teresa GAVE through her FACE, through her EYES, through her SMiLE, and through the WARMTH of her GREETiNGS as she CARED for others, SHARiNG of her whole [Heart] with each ENCOuNTER.  she GAVE FOuRGiVENESS to the uNREASONABLE, the iRRATiONAL and the SELF-CENTERED.  she showed KiNDNESS to THOSE who ACCuSED her of SELFiSH, ulterior MOTiVES.  she was HONEST and SiNCERE with THOSE who DECEiVED her.  she DiD good WiTHOuT any notion of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT or ACCOLADE.  she GAVE her BEST, even WHEN others DEEMED it NOT good ENOuGH.  she did SMALL THiNGS with GREAT LOVE.  she GAVE LOVE until it hurt – uNTiL there was NO more HuRT, and REMAiNED only LOVE.  so we MAY find PEACE, she GAVE REMiNDER that WE belong to ONE another.  Teresa GAVE with [Heart].

:: LOVE like Jesus ….
Jesus LOVED because he KNEW that genuine LOVE relieves a vast multitude of sins.  he was PATiENT, he was KiND, he did NOT ENVY, he did NOT BOAST.  he PROTECTED, he TRuSTED, he HOPED, he ENDuRED.  he HONORED others and kept NO record of WRONGS.  he LOVED his NEiGHBOR as HiMSELF.  he LOVED by TRUTH.  he LOVED, knowing that LOVE comes from [Heart] – and that ALL who LOVE have been BORN of [Heart] and KNOW of [Heart].  he LOVED, that WE may KNOW the true MEANiNG of LOVE :: to GiVE of ONE self on BEHALF of ANOTHER.  he LOVED, bringing to LiFE the WAY in which we are ALL meant to LOVE :: uNCONDiTiONALLY.  Jesus LOVED with [Heart].

:: STAND like Sitting Bull ….
Tatanka Iyotake STOOD as ONE of his PEOPLE.  he STOOD by TRuTH of his PEOPLE.  he STOOD through LOVE for his PEOPLE.  he STOOD for LiFE of his PEOPLE. he STOOD as HOPE for his PEOPLE.  he STOOD with [Heart] of his PEOPLE.  he STOOD to PROTECT the FuTuRE the YOuTH and eartH four his PEOPLE. he STOOD then AS his PEOPLE are still STANDiNG here NOW.  Tatanka Iyotake STOOD with [Heart].

:: REBEL like Lewis ….
MOVE – WALK – MARCH – SiT – RiDE – SPEAK – ACT – VOTE – SHiNE.  iF not US, then WHO?  iF not NOW then WHEN?  John R. Lewis BELiEVED that if WE bear WiTNESS to SOMETHiNG that is not RiGHT, not FAiR or not JuST then WE are morally OBLiGED to SAY something – to DO something ABOuT it. ORGANiZiNG sit-ins, boycotts, bus rides, walks, marches and landmark legislations, Lewis sought GOOD TROuBLE, finding CREATiVE ways to GET in the WAY of iNJuSTiCE.  in MANY cases, Lewis and his COuRAGEOuS comrades were MET with HATRED and HOSTiLiTY, often BEATEN bloody, yet CHOSE to REMAiN wholly NONViOLENT. as TESTAMENT to the LOVE and PEACE harbored in [Heart], Lewis knew that He was a LiGHT in the DARKNESS and that the BATTLE of GOOD to OVERCOME eviL is already WON – that raw COuRAGE and REBELLiOuS action WiLL create CHANGE. John R. Lewis REBELLED with [Heart]. 

:: BECOME like George ….
on May 25, 2020, a perfectly iMPERFECT, living BREATHiNG super MAN was unwittingly CHOSEN from the PEOPLE to publicly ENDuRE the weight of HELL under deviL’s KNEE for a LiFETiME, save 8 MiNuTES and 46 SECONDS.  desperate for AiR and gasping for LiFE, the MAN used his waning VOiCE to plead for BREATH.  he pled for BREATH again and AGAiN – and then for his MOTHER – and BREATH again, until his BREATHS did END that CHANGE may COME as NEW LiFE will be AGAiN :: and JUST then, George Perry Floyd (Junior) FOuND himself SAFE at HOME in the WARM embrace of his CREATOR who said, “well DONE my Son – BREATHE NOW, four You are FREE at last.”

:: and SO too NOW we shall BE ….

.… DO Like Them – LiVE Like You ::
TRuTH is the BELiEF - LOVE is the DREAM - LiViNG is the DREAMER.  conceived of and by [Heart], ALL of HuMANiTY is ENDOWED to LiVE of and by ONE universal SPiRiT.  so LET us finally uNiTE by extreme TRuTH, through radical LOVE.  let TODAY be the day WE finally HEAR the song of FREEDOM as it RiNGS from EVERY village and EVERY hamlet, to EVERY city and EVERY state.  let us JOiN with the DREAMERS, that our WORLD may finally LiVE as ONE.  let our ACTiONS be both TRuE and KiND, finally in direct ACCORDANCE with the CHANGE we WiSH to see iN our WORLD.  let us SHARE love EVERYWHERE we go, such that ALL of HuMANiTY may finally EXPERiENCE zealous JOY and fervent HAPPiNESS.  let US finally LOVE one another uNCONDiTiONALLY, as we ARE so LOVED.  let us finally adhere the NOTiON that KiNDNESS should ALL ways BE met with more KiNDNESS.  let us finally uNDERSTAND that LOVE is the WAY, LOVE is the TRuTH and LOVE is the LiFE, everlasting.  let us finally STAND with [Heart] four ALL. let US finally REALiZE equal JuSTiCE four ALL.  let us finally KNOW that we – HUMANs on eartH – WE are LOVE, finally FOuND.  so LET it be NOW that we finally SEE, we finally BELiEVE and we finally BECOME as we truly are :: ALL.WON.LOVE.

LiFE with [Heart] has been CALLED to CREATE a NEW four ALL on eartH.  ENTRuSTED of and by [Heart], we are HEREBY dared to #changEv3rything by TRuTH, through LOVE free LiFE find HOPE as ONE with [Heart] is ALL ways WON four ALL …. [<3]