living our legend

:: R adical
:: A ction
:: R esisting
:: R epeating
:: H istory
:: A gain .

“ AN exuberant PROCLAMATiON of the zealous JOY that ONE feels when LiFE comes into PERFECT ALiGNMENT with HOPE ”

iN perfect TiME, the esoteric ESSENCE of our eartHly EXiSTENCE is blending TOGETHER a HARMONiOuS new CONSCiOuSNESS as ONE with [Heartnow WON four ALL ....

BOASTiNG the [Heart] of an uNDERDOG, the STRENGTH of uNiTY and POWER of the PEOPLE, we will be HEROES for ALL of the DAYS :: for GENERATiONS to come, FuTuRE ONEs will REGALE their KiN with STORiES of the heroic HUMANs who - AGAiNST all ODDS and in the FACE of MANY eviLs - COuRAGEOuSLY chose to OVERCOME by WAY of righteous ViRTuE.  soon, THEY will TELL tales of the ONEs who EXuDED the PuREST of our inherent GOODNESS, daring to TRANSFORM our somber REALiTY into a NEW true world of HOPE, bearing abundant LiFE to be shared by ALL.  ONE day, OuRS will be the MOST revered LEGACY in the HiSTORY of HuMANkind. TOGETHER, we will LiVE the MOST epic LEGEND of ALL TiME, as we consciously CHOOSE to CHANGE EVERYTHING, by TRuTH through LOVE free LiFE found HOPE as ONE with [Heart] now ALL ways WON four ALL.

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as ONE with [Heart] is
ALL ways WON four ALL
[ TRuTH - LOVE - LiFE - HOPE ]
with [Heart]
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ONWARD to changEv3rything ....