Ascent of a lifetime
RETuRN of [Heart]
RATHER than the COMMON ascription of a deity DESCENDiNG from the HEAVENS, what if 'the SECOND coming' were iNSTEAD referring to an ADVENT emergence of the [Heart]-like ONE from within ALL of HuMANiTY?
mount TRYni
ONE at a time, LiFE's learned LESSONS elevate us ever NiGH unto the PiNNACLE of self-REALiZATiON. high ATOP this GLORiOuS mount, [Heart] knowingly PROCLAiMS, "i AM ONE - i AM WON - i AM ALL."
upon HEARiNG the CALL of [Heart], our SOuL is AWAKENED with REVERENT abandon and JOYFuLLY resounds, "in TRuTH, i AM LOVE - as LOVE i AM WON." this ENLiGHTENiNG ascent EFFECTiVELY reveals the SOuL-MEANiNG of LiFE: simply TRYni AM that - truly, i AM.
[Heart] of LiFE
Dreamers, Believers, Teachers, Leaders, Givers, Lovers, Rebels, Protectors and Creators - most CHERiSHED of ALL Creation, HuMAN is the [Heart] of LiFE on eartH. CREATED to CREATE, we are the RiSEN essence which brings LiFE to the TRuTH and LOVE of [Heart].
uNiTED we RiSE :: COMMENCE forth to BREAKiNG DAWN ....