DELTA is...
CHANGE with [Heart], DELTA is an ODYSSEY of the HuMAN body, mind, [Heart] and SOuL - DARiNG its PLAYERS to CHOOSE self-TRANSFORMATiON, until ALL Creation Everywhere CHOOSES to EVOLv3 with [Heart] as ALL.ONE.LOVE :: STATE i AM.

the TRY
as DERiVED from the GREEK alphabet, the fourth character, DELTA, is DEPiCTED as an equilateral TRiANGLE.  in MATHEMATiCS, this SAME equilateral TRiANGLE is used to denote CHANGE.  and SO it is the ESSENCE of CHANGE which has iNSPiRED the iNVERTED ((changed)) delta 'TRYangle' as it APPEARS in ASSOCiATiON with this PROJECT.  the middle [Heart] then iNTENDS to SYMBOLiZE the CENTRAL role which HuMANiTY plays in becoming ONE with [Heart] as TRuTH - LOVE - LiFE - HOPE four ALL.  and SiNCE it is TRuE that only ALL of HuMANiTY can change ALL of HuMANiTY, the EMBLEM is in and of itself iMPLiCiT of a *uNiVERSAL CHANGE of [Heart], which gives RiSE to HOPE that uNiTED as ONE, we can CHANGE EVERYTHING - for ONE and four ALL ….

RiSE of a new CONSCiOUSNESS in which ALL HuMANs will uNiTE as LiFE with [Heart] to awaken TRuTH, inspire LOVE and create everlasting HOPE as we VALiANTLY strive to CHANGE EVERYTHING, for ONE and four ALL ….

CALL it WHAT You WiLL, a ROSE by ANY other NAME is STiLL a ROSE.  likewise, NAME it WHAT we MAY, the ESOTERiC essence of our eartHly existence REMAiNS.  throughout this PROJECT, the BRACKETED word [Heart] is used as a SiNGLE, neutral TERM to SiGNiFY a GREATER or HiGHER power. ie :: God, Allah, Buddha, Ganesha, Wakan Tanka, Eck, Ra, Source, Universe, Nature, Great Spirit, Creator, etc .…
**** AS You READ, please feel FREE to SuBSTiTuTE whichever NOTiON of DEiTY or MORAL governance inspires YOU to BE as ONE with [Heart] is ALL ways WON four ALL ….

CONFLiCT surfaces WHEN there is a DiSAGREEMENT.  disagreements are LARGELY caused by MiSuNDERSTANDiNG.  therefore, iF we ATTEMPT first to TRuLY understand ONE another BEFORE responding, then PERHAPS much of our CONFLiCT can be ALLEViATED simply through PATiENCE.  this SAiD, it is to be MADE poignantly CLEAR that this is a wholly *NON-ViOLENT project.  MORE than JuST a declaration of iNTENT, NON-ViOLENCE is something to BELIEVE in, something to ADVOCATE for and something to TEACH.  so too, THEN, shall NON-ViOLENCE be CONSiDERED something to ACTiVELY PRACTiCE – ALL ways.

VENTuRE forth if you DARE to delve DEEPER into the DiSPOSiTiON ....