The Philosophy
WHEN individuals DECiDE by their own VOLiTiON that they WANT to CHANGE - and the CHANGE is then ACTiVELY and consciously TRiED - the CHOSEN change WiLL work.
OuR role as sentient BEiNGS is to BECOME the very BEST that we can possibly BE, for it is through Finding, Sharing & Living as our very BEST selves that we iNSPiRE and bring out the very BEST in OTHERS - thus FREEiNG the inherently UNLiMiTED nature of HuMANiTY and iNFiNiTELY furthering the ESOTERiC advancement of our SPECiES' eartHly EXiSTENCE.
therefore, if every ONE of us actively CHOOSES to consciously BECOME the very BEST HuMAN we can possibly BE - (( and won’t settle for anything less )) - then the WHOLE of LiFE on eartH will gradually TRANSFORM into an ALL ways WON four ALL World.
the CHOiCE is OURS - when YOU are READY, go forth to PHASE ii .…