:: ALL ways WON four ALL ::
the SEEDS of LOVE are PLANTED in [Heart] and SOON take ROOT deep in SOuL. by CHOOSiNG to let LOVE grow, LiFE is TRANSFORMED into an UNLIMITED expression of LOVE which DERiVES infinite POWER from ALL ways [Heart].
often, ALL it takes to BRiNG out the GOOD in someone is to REMiND them that it is already THERE – that it has BEEN there ALL along, and that You SEE it in THEM. if You BELIEVE it EXiSTS, then TRY to FiND it in EVERY thing & every ONE you ENCOuNTER. and ANYTiME You do FiND it in SOMETHiNG or SOMEONE, take A brief MOMENT to ACKNOWLEDGE & APPRECiATE its PRESENCE. BE the REMiNDER that encourages MORE LOVE to be SHARED. the more LOVE eartH has, the HAPPiER [Heart] will BE four ALL.
if You have LOVE, then You have HOPE. as long as You have HOPE, then you have REASON to BELIEVE. and WHEN You BELiEVE, true BELiEF works MIRACLES.
…. LOVE is UNLiMiTED ….
:: ONE HuMAN can DO SO MUCH ::
(( DON’T WAiT for the WORLD to CHANGE – be ONE to CHANGE it ))
YOU are how LOVE WiNS.
if You BELiEVE, go forth to PHASE IX ….