:: LiVE Your LEGEND ::

if You died TODAY, how would You HOPE to be REMEMBERED tomorrow? 

in the GET it phase, You DRAFTED the ‘ideal’ PERSON and began APPLYiNG those ‘perfect’ qualities to Your LiFE.  then, in the GIVE it phase, You DETERMiNED how You iNTEND to share Your LOVE and ESTABLiSHED the FOuNDATiON for Your very own LOVEstyle. 

HERE, in the LiVE it phase, You will LEARN to RECOGNiZE moments in which You feel iMBALANCED or OuT of whack – like SOMETHiNG is OFF.  these times will iNEViTABLY occur and, WHEN they do, simply ADJuST for the imbalance by RECALLiNG Your TRUTH :: FiND what is CAuSiNG the discrepancy, DEFiNE an approach to RESOLVE it, and APPLY Your amendment to RiGHTNOWLiFE. 

GiVE it if You’ve got it – GET it if you don’t :: soon You will find a STEADY balance between GETTiNG and GiViNG, where You are SiMuLTANEOuSLY able to KNOW Your TRUTH and SHARE Your LOVE. 

When you are BALANCED, it should feel something like this ::

You KNOW and LOVE who You ARE.  You are OBLiGED to your CONViCTiONS.  You are AWARE and in CONTROL of Your ACTiONS.  You hold Yourself ACCOuNTABLE.  You treat Yourself and others with RESPECT.  You HELP when You CAN.  You GiVE what You wish to GET.  You do what is RiGHT, because it is RiGHT to do.  You LOVE every ONE ALL ways – uNCONDiTiONALLY.  You are PATiENT – with Yourself and OTHERS. You offer FOuRGiVENESS – to OTHERS, and Yourself.  You LEARN from Your MiSTAKES, recognizing them as OPPORTuNiTiES for GROWTH.  You are constantly STRiViNG to iMPROVE Yourself and OTHERS.

You RESTORE others’ departed BELiEF in LOVE.  You iNSPiRE those AROUND You.  You are an intricately BEAuTiFUL expression of the GOODNESS that EXiSTS within EACH of US.  You FiND the FLOuRiSHiNG goodness in OTHERS – and You ENCOuRAGE it to EMENATE from them.  You MAKE eartH a BETTER place – JuST by BEiNG You.  You have RELEASED your iNHiBiTiONS, Your BiASES, Your FEARS and Your DOuBTS in order to LiVE in the LiGHT of [Heart] – by TRUTH through LOVE, You are Living TODAY how You wish to be remembered TOMORROW.

You are a RARRiOR.  You are a HuMANitarian HERO.  You are a living LEGEND.  You are TRUTH.  You are LOVE.  You are LiFE with [Heart].  You are HOPE RiSiNG as ONE now WON four ALL ....

four ALL that You are - truly my Friend, THANKS four being YOU .... NEVERSTOP.

i am PROUD of YOU.  Go forth to PHASE VII .