:: TRY four BALANCE ::
GET iT :: seek TRuTH ⇆ GiVE iT :: share LOVE
↖ LiVE iT :: living LEGEND ↗
…. RiSE ….
this ADVENTuRE of a LiFETiME has GREAT potential to BLOW YOUR MIND into realms of UNLIMITED possibilities ….
a few things to REMEMBER as we EMBARK on this EPiC journey of self-REALiZATiON ::
AS with ANY newly accepted CHALLENGE, You are bound to experience both UPS and DOWNS throughout this ENDEAVOR - it is ESSENTiAL that we fully embrace BOTH.
AWARE that TRANSFORMATiON takes TiME, You will make VALiANT strides through PRACTICE, PERSEVERANCE and, most importantly, PATIENCE.
CELEBRATE ALL ViCTORiES - no matter how SMALL they may seem.
FORGIVE the MiSTAKES You, as a HuMAN, will inevitably make - CHOOSiNG instead to SEE them as abundant OPPORTuNiTiES for LEARNiNG and GROWTH.
TRUST Yourself - if You BELIEVE You can, then You CAN.
NO 'toe dipping' :: in order to truly SUCCEED, ONE first must truly TRY.
be BRAVE, say, “COWABUNGA!!!!” and GO ALL iN.
if the CHANGE of TOMORROW starts TODAY, what are YOU waiting for? Go forth to PHASE IV .…