:: TRY four BALANCE ::

GET iT :: seek TRuTH   ⇆   GiVE iT :: share LOVE
   LiVE iT :: living LEGEND  
…. RiSE ….

this ADVENTuRE of a LiFETiME has GREAT potential to BLOW YOUR MIND into realms of UNLIMITED possibilities …. 

a few things to REMEMBER as we EMBARK on this EPiC journey of self-REALiZATiON ::

  • AS with ANY newly accepted CHALLENGE, You are bound to experience both UPS and DOWNS throughout this ENDEAVOR - it is ESSENTiAL that we fully embrace BOTH.

  • AWARE that TRANSFORMATiON takes TiME, You will make VALiANT strides through PRACTICE, PERSEVERANCE and, most importantly, PATIENCE.

  • CELEBRATE ALL ViCTORiES - no matter how SMALL they may seem.

  • FORGIVE the MiSTAKES You, as a HuMAN, will inevitably make - CHOOSiNG instead to SEE them as abundant OPPORTuNiTiES for LEARNiNG and GROWTH.


  • TRUST Yourself - if You BELIEVE You can, then You CAN.

  • NO 'toe dipping' :: in order to truly SUCCEED, ONE first must truly TRY.

  • be BRAVE, say, “COWABUNGA!!!!” and GO ALL iN.

if the CHANGE of TOMORROW starts TODAY, what are YOU waiting for?  Go forth to PHASE IV .